Brain break by the Sea
Walking on the beach is a fantastic way to relax and unwind, I don’t know if it’s the feeling of freedom, the rhythm of the waves or the smell of the sea, that makes me forget the stresses and worries of everyday life. When was the last time you walked on the beach. I can go for months and then when I’m there I think why don’t I do this more often.
Of course it helps that Daisy is absolutely crazy with excitement as soon as she gets near a beach. The beach for her is games with a ball and a dip in the sea, either to cool herself off or to wash her sandy ball. Watching her running up and down the beach in complete ecstasy is a joy in itself.
We spent a weekend in Pembrokeshire. It was the perfect way to reset and refocus. Two days, 2 walks on 2 different beaches, 2 completely different days. A walk on Whitesands beach, near St David’s and the wind was howling and the waves were crashing. No-one surfing or even braving these waves. Then the next day a walk along Newport Sands, just below the Golf Club, it was still a bit windy but the sea was calmer and there was an amazing rainbow over the sea.
Having a weekend away helps to clear my mind. I don’t know about you but my brain is always working, thinking about what I’m doing, what I need to do next. It doesn’t stop planning, organising, creating and thinking.
A brain break helps me to rest, to focus with a clear mind. The fresh air and exercise helps to invigorate my body and boost my energy, but the peace and calm allows my brain to rest. So Monday morning I’m back to work refreshed, renewed and ready to take on new challenges.
When was the last time you had a break, to energise your body and refresh your brain?
Waves crashing on Whitesands beach, near St David’s
Daisy concentrating, waiting for the ball
Waves crashing on the beach